Letters & Actions for Peace in Koreas

Yesterday, February 25, Jeff Vitelli and Stefan Rogers traveled to Princeton to be part of a peace vigil on the eve of the Korea peace talks in Vietnam.  They joined others on a cold and windy day to witness for serious peace negotiations.  Here’s a photo from their vigil.   

Today, Susie Ravitz and Monica McAghon have a letter about the peace talks published in both The Morning Call and The Express Times.  You can read them here:  https://www.mcall.com/opinion/letters/mc-rea-ravitz-mcaghon-trump-jong-un-meeting-20190225-story.html  and here:  https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/opinion/2019/02/negotiate-for-real-peace-in-korea-letter.html .

If you want more information about why working to support peace in Korea is important please read any/all of the following: 

https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/women-marched-for-korean-reconciliation-washington-is-in-our-way/2019/02/24/6830d330-3534-11e9-af5b-b51b7ff322e9_story.html?utm_term=.308a7a15f552  , “Women Marched for Korean Reconciliation.  Washington Is In Our Way,” by Gloria Steinem & Christine Ahn, 2/24/19, The Washington Post. 

https://www.thenation.com/article/north-korea-democrats-peace-talks/ , “Why Are Democrats Trying to Torpedo the Korea Peace Talks?  There is a growing split between liberal U.S. politicians and South Korean progressives on the peace process,” by Tim Shirrock, 2/22/19, The Nation. 

 https://www.ploughshares.org/sites/default/files/resources/Begun-is-Half-Done-2019.pdf  “Begun Is Half Done: Prospects for US-North Korea Nuclear Diplomacy,” by Catherine Killough, February 2019, Ploughshares Fund.