Lehigh Valley Committee Against State Killing

No meetings are currently being scheduled for Lehigh Valley Committee Against State Killing (LV-CASK) – .  Please follow the link below to read about the work of LV-CASK and why they are not currently meeting.

The Work of L.V.-CASK,  a statement by David Rose

***Call the LEPOCO office, if you would like to see that this working group is resurrected. 610-691-8730***

Who We Are

Lehigh Valley Committee Against State Killing (LV-CASK) is a LEPOCO working group whose goal is to end capital punishment in Pennsylvania. LV-CASK invites new members to join them at any meeting or event. The contact form below will help you connect with a LEPOCO staff member or long-time member who can share crucial information about the work group and provide the details regarding the next meeting.

What We Do

LV-CASK members share information regarding issues and developments surrounding the death penalty. Together, we plan events that increase public awareness of the issue and arrange to meet with legislators to discuss alternatives to the death penalty.

When We Meet

Meetings are typically held at the LEPOCO Peace Center and are usually held monthly during the week on a date selected at each meeting. The next meeting will be listed on the events page and in the weekly emails. For more information, please use the contact form below or call 610-691-8730.

Learn More

Email lepoco@fast.net.  Make sure you mention in the subject line that you’d like information about the Lehigh Valley Committee Against State Killing (LV-CASK)!